Friday, November 17, 2006


Are we becoming more perverted?

I saw this morning that Mark Foley was being investigated criminally for "allegedly" sending inappropriate instant messages to teenage pages at Congress.

What the fuck is going on?

Priests and little boys, Congressmen and a little bit older boys (but not old enough), gay governors (which is fine except when he gave his fucktoy a cushy job), ritual slayings of raped women who's only crime was they wanted to go dancing in Manhattan. It made me wonder if we are becoming more sick. Or have we just diluted the gene pool to such an extent that what we're left with is the mentally, sexually disturbed.

Or, in the alternative, is the argument that shit like this has lasted since the dawn of America. It is well documented that the Mayflower did not contain the wealthy gentlemen and women of merry ol' England, but rather the castoffs. The ones who the British assumed time would forget. This makes sense. If you were living in England, nice house, fine car (ok, horse and carriage), you're not making a voyage to the undiscovered country. As Seinfeld taught us all, "who leaves a country full of ponies, to go to a non-pony country."

So perhaps the American blacksmith, with 12 kids, was porking the next door neighbor's dog. But until the printing press, nobody knew about it except for a town of 100. Then, there was still a modicum of decency from the 1800s-1970s and Watergate. Watergate gave the press carte blanche to investigate, rob, cheat, steal, and lie as long as "truth" was the ultimate goal. And then Clinton and his pole being waxed poetic by you-know-who.

I have no idea how it happened. But I am willing to bet in the next twenty years, a public figure will be caught fucking a barnyard animal...on tape. And it'll appear on YouTube.

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