Tuesday, March 28, 2006


The First Love

1995: Bulletin Board Services (BBSs) were the main forum for electronic communications. Gore had just invented the Internet and Prodigy was the dominant player in the "full service" market. And I was in love.

She was my age and lived in Highland Falls, Illinois. From what I understand, as I'd never been to Highland Falls, this was Illinois' version of Long Island. We chatted for 8 hours, 6 on the computer and 2 on the phone. She fell in love with me that night. And she told me so, that night.

I had never been in love before and as I was only 17, I didn't really know what love was. I said, "thank you," as any other response would have been insincere. We continued to talk, hours and hours on end, on almost a daily basis. Internet time was charged per hour back then and long-distance calls were far from 3 cents a minute. But I didn't care, I was falling in love with her and she was already in love with me.

This went on and on (and I will not bore you with the details) until I went to college. Two months in-- freshman year. We had our first fight. To this day, I can't remember what it was about, only that it was around my birthday. I think it was about who was going to visit the other person during winter recess. Doesn't matter.

I got her birthday card a few days later, which said "we need to talk." I called her up and that's when my world stood still. First time. She was sobbing uncontrollably when I called.

"I understand if you never want to speak to me again."

"What are you talking about? It was just an argument, we'll get over it."

"Wait..wait. I have to tell you something. Last week, after our fight, Tom came over...and...and...I slept with him"


"Wait there's more..."

"What do you mean there's more?"

Almost inaudibly, "I'm pregnant."


"I understand if you never want to speak to me again."

"I never want to speak to you again."

And I hung up the phone.

Nice, this is why I write, so I can get free porn.
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This was a good post. Sorry about the bad luck there. Did you ever speak to her again? Just curious.
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