Tuesday, November 29, 2005


4 Legs Good, 2 Legs Bad

I raise with you the following thought: About a century ago there were white men who believed that justice consisted of blacks being considered 2/5 a person. Those saged white men were the Supreme Court (Plessy v. Ferguson). 40 years later-- Brown v. Board of Education created a national uproar -- riots were the norm not the exception, black children were chastised, beaten and killed. 60 years later we live in a country where exceptance is the norm (ok, we can debate that but let's except it as fact for sake of conversation).
100 years ago, abortion was not only illegal, it was murder. There was no debate when life started, when a fetus was fertilized, 1st 2nd or 3rd trimester made no difference. 60 years later, Roe v. Wade created a national uproar, abortion clinics were bombed, women were scorned and beaten for having an abortion. 40 years later, nothing has changed. Roe v. Wade hangs by the thread but my question is this. As our country moves to the right, 100 years from now, will the abortion debate be anything? In the next 20 years, Roe v. Wade will be overturned or limited so that you can only have an abortion on February 29. So 80 years after that, will our children's children look back on us and think "I can't believe our grandparent's generation thought abortion was acceptable, that it was the woman's right to choose whether to commit such a travesty."

You misspelled "accept" in more than one place, spelling it instead as: except. For example, "I think I will have to ACCEPT the fact that I need to buy a new car." Here is the other word. "I was going to go to the store, EXCEPT I can't find my keys." See the difference? I'm not trying to be offensive. It's just as common for people to missuse "it's" and "its" and "your" and "you're". I like your writing style, though. Very entertaining.
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